
end of september shows up
cold blue bitter

and it falls, worried
dry wind
a million, million raindrops
of frozen time

(this earth never stops spinning)

stepped down.

i wish to disembark now
this ride’s too fast for me

street light wears a light orange halo
eyes burn a glow: is this a sign?

holy crosses
along the center of my gravity
the bit between ribs and hips
(still a sign?)

wear this cold september sash low
to cover the scars
words burn holes
in my
in my
in my
i forget now

talk about perpetual motion
and honest tea
or shot of scotch
to loosen the sole
found on the bottom
of a broken shoe

how the tile sounds in the kitchen)

(daisies in my eyes
yellow centers
white petals
i’m blinded by flowers)

just a moment while i turn my back
rip me to pieces, you can

turn the piano book upside down
and follow notes across the page
g clef becomes f clef
strange notation becomes
a beautiful sound

skips into my nose
down the back of my throat

not to be
to be
but i do not

b flat is the note of my soul.

Published in: on October 12, 2006 at 12:04 am  Leave a Comment  

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